On Saturday 25th September, our website (deepeningunderstanding.co.uk) experienced a short period of unexpected downtime. This triggered a fault with our scoring system, which was caused by factors beyond our control. Thanks to our subscribers reporting the issue, our web team were able to successfully rectify this on two occasions. Tonight, they have reported that DU Discover should be back to full operation. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Unfortunately, this means that any homework/classwork set through the platform this weekend or early this week may be affected by unrecorded or incomplete data, directly related to assignment scoring. We are sorry for this.
If you do notice any further issues with our platform, we encourage you to email [email protected] and we can pass on urgent requests to our web team to resolve. The sooner we know about problems, the sooner we can resolve them.
We thank you for your patience and hope you are able to use our product with renewed confidence in the days and weeks ahead.
Best wishes,
Ben Mayoh (Director)