Maths Subscription
Showing 1025–1040 of 1373 results
YR3 F 4b Subtract Fractions With the Same Denominator Within 1
YR1 G 1a Recognise Common 2D Shapes
YR1 G 1b Recognise Common 3D Shapes
YR5 G-1a Compare Angles
YR1 G 2a Compose 2D Shapes
YR1 G 2b Compose 3D Shapes
YR5 G-1b Estimate and Measure Angles
YR2 G 1a Describe and Compare 2D Shapes
YR5 G-1c Draw Angles
YR5 G-2 Compare and Calculate the Area of Rectangles including Squares
YR2 G 1b Describe and Compare 3D Shapes
YR3 G 1a Recognise Right Angles as a Property of a Shape or Description of a Turn
YR3 G 1b Recognise Right Angles in Shapes
YR3 G 2a Draw Polygons by Joining Marked Points
YR3 G 2b Identify Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
YR1 – Smudged Survey